Inside The Ride
Some before pics....and some after pics.
I'm still not sure if I'm gonna leave the stereos on there. I might just roll with nothing. As blue-z said on the forum I'll be listening to the "6K RPM SYMPHONY BY INTAKE AND EXHAUST!!!!", except it'll be more like 6500 or so rpm.
Lovely wiring job, ain't it? The new sets of gauges are sitting on the dashboard for easier viewing.
Here's some of my new gauges. I say some because thats not all of them.
Ahhh, new Hurst ProMatic2 shifter, and a mess. That was fun installing, the shifter I mean. I'm now in the process of redoing the custom bracket I made for the trans end of the cable. The first one I made flexed enuf so that I cant force the trans into 1st gear. I have some better brackets Im going to shape up drill to fit.
I have a Summit Racing seat installed with a 5 point harness. I figure I'm not going fast enough right now to require it, but if I loose traction in a front wheel drive car, I loose steering, so if I roll this thing I wanna be tucked in for safety. The passenger seat stays out of the bar unless I need to give someone a ride.
The back of the car has been gutted. All that is left to do is install a rear firewall to seperate me from the fuel fumes and nitrous. And a little clean up work.